We are all family this weekend

The following editorial appeared in the June 6, 2014 edition of the Louisville Courier-Journal.

This weekend, the WHAS Crusade for Children will begin its seventh decade of improving life for special needs children. Thousands across the state and beyond will come together to celebrate the 61st annual Crusade starting Saturday.

The Crusade, broadcast by WHAS-TV and WHAS radio, is labeled the most successful local telethon in America. Since its inception, the Crusade has become a major and beloved local institution. For months before the telethon each June, grassroots collection efforts are held throughout the area — from "pickle jars" at restaurants, to bingo games, bake sales, benefit concerts and hundreds of similar events.

The WHAS Crusade for Children has raised more than $154 million since its beginnings in 1954. The money goes to organizations providing direct benefit to children with special needs. Donations collected from each county remain within that county to benefit children in their area.

"The community is what makes the Crusade so special. It would not exist without the generosity of the people of Kentuckiana," said Dawn Lee, Crusade president and CEO.
"We are grateful for the efforts of the firefighters who collect year after year and do it with such big hearts. We are also thankful to all of the volunteers who come out Crusade weekend and know how to have a good time while working really hard. It is truly like a family reunion every year. Everyone is invited to be a part of it ... If you give any amount to the Crusade, you become part of a larger family that is truly making a tremendous difference in the lives of children with special needs."

The backbone of the collection efforts, and a signature of the Crusade itself, are the dozens of local fire departments who collect nearly 60 percent of the donations.

This year, the Crusade also has created a QR code that will be on T-shirts and firefighter boots, which allow people with smartphones equipped with a code reader app to go straight to its online donation page.

The telethon kicks off at 1 p.m. Saturday, and the live variety show, from the Kentucky Center's Bomhard Theater, will air at 7 p.m. Saturday. It concludes at 7 p.m. Sunday.
So when you see a fire truck at a road block of any intersection in the city, grab your spare change, or even a few dollar bills, and help change a child's life for the better. We're all family this weekend.

How to donate
• Make a donation securely online at www.WHASCrusade.org (Scanning the Crusade's QR code off a T-shirt, card or sticker also will take you to the donation page.)

• Mail a check or charge information in an envelope to WHAS Crusade for Children, 520 W. Chestnut St., Louisville, Ky. 40202.

• Call the Crusade at (502) 582-7706.